How To Confront Autocracy Effectively

confront Trump
confront Trump

Larry Diamond, an asute student of democracies, distilled 10 concrete strategies to beat back the authoritarianism promised by Donald Trump and his horde. His article in Persuasion is well worth internalizing. Summarized, it’s this.

Prioritze what to resist

Distinguish between ill conceived policy choices and violation of constitutionalism, civil liberties, and the rule of law. To freak out at every distasteful and wrong headed statement will render resistance merely noise.

Don’t capitulate to anti-democratic demands

To quote Timothy Snyder in On Tyranny, don’t obey in advance. Otherwise the tyrant gets obedience without expending any capital.

Defend targets of political retribution

Autocrats seek to destroy leading critics. The everyday civil service is a front-and-center target. We’ll need substantial legal defense funds to support targets against attacks, legal, reputational, and physical. Institutions must generate backbone to defend their employees who are targeted for political purposes.

Hold Trump loyalists to their stated goal of limited government

The internal inconsistency in MAGA thinking is enhancing executive power while arguing for returning power to the people. A stated goal is to break the bureaucracy to presidential will. Quote them back to themselves when their acts don’t match their declarations.

Cooperate where possible

Democrats should look for common ground on policy. There are real issues that need addressing and to oppose everything Trump proposes sets up the Democrats to be blamed for Trump’s (inevitable) failures.

Bridge partisan polarization

Engage with Trump voters who are anxious about their place in our economy and alienated from liberal institutions and elites. Don’t dismiss their very real concerns or use perjorative labels. Reach out beyond the edge of the current tent with concrete and accessible narratives.

Condemn violence and extremism

The opposition to Trump should have zero tolerance for political violence and Democratic governors and mayors must act decisively to quell political violence. Reaffirm support for democracy in the face of surveys show waning support for democracy nationwide.

Prepare to thwart authoritarianism at the ballot box

Elections are where the slide toward authoritarianism is most effectively halted. Democrats must work to expose corruption and chrony capitalism while listening to voter concerns about the economy, immigration, and needed change.

Win the information war

Democrats must up their games in social media and other digital formats, using humor, ridicule and shock. They need to go on the offensive with improved strategy and messaging.

Relax, recharge and return

Allow yourself to recover from the exhaustion and disappointment of the election. There’s a battle ahead and it requires mass civic mobilization and engagement.

And there you have a blueprint for defending democracy in today’s America.