Buttermilk Panna Cotta

Cool base for fruit or fruit sauce.

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Dried Tomato Dressing

When you have a freezer full of dried tomatoes, you glom onto every recipe. Well, maybe not “every” recipe, but not sure I’ve ever found an indifferent one.
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Plum Frangipane Tart

My hit new plum recipe of this season:  plums and almonds.
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Egg Whites- 1,2,3

When you start separating egg whites from egg yolks, you set up a food waste problem. Since I loathe meringue and find angelfood cake insipid,  I need to work a bit harder to use up ...
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Plums: On The Battle Front

Mid summer, I battle two plum trees to eat, share, and preserve as much of the summer bounty as I can. The trees give me a real run for my money. Freezing sliced plums is ...
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Plum Tickled I Am

When I set out to buy a plum tree to add to our yard, nature threw me a curve. The variety I had to have required a pollinator. So I returned home with two plum ...
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Corn was 25 cents an ear yesterday.  How could I resist? So, once you serve corn on the cob, what’s next? Two of my favorites are fritters or pancakes. This, I suspect, was from Bon ...
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sweet potatoes

Frittering Away

A list of 10 Superfoods has long hung in my kitchen, touting sweet potatoes. Growing up, the only sweet potatoes I saw on our table were topped with brown sugar or marshmallows.  I don’t like ...
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One of my mother’s stand-by sweet treats was dates stuffed with cream cheese and a walnut half. I’ve taken to flavoring the cream cheese with citrus zest or a bit of liquor. Still hard to ...
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Lime Aid

There are just two of us for dinner these days, and the lime tree hasn’t adjusted for reduced demand. Or, in other words, we’re inundated with limes. My repertoire of lime recipes is thin:  after ...
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Milkweed At Every Cloverleaf

Cloverleaf meet milkweed. I mean, concrete cloverleaf meet organic seeds. Yesterday, I put on my Johnny Appleseed persona and scattered last year’s milkweed seeds at freeway off ramps and grassy verges. Freeway interchanges offer some ...
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citrus sugar

The Citrus Sugar Experiment

It’s tangelo season and I can’t bear to toss the fruit rinds after I’ve squeezed my glass of juice. So I’ve been grating the rind into a pie pan of granulated sugar and saving it ...
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Parsnips On Parade

My garden is laden with parsnips;  my produce box teems with carrots. So, we ate carrot-parsnip mash last night. And, boy, was it good.  Equal parts sliced carrots and sliced parsnips, roasted at 425 degrees ...
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Kumquats – The Winter Wonder

In the season of Christmas chocolates and cloying sweet treats, how wonderful is the kumquat. Bite sized, tangy and sweet.  Good eaten out of hand, but better when they’re candied. And they’re in season in ...
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